201819B T02 Scientific Documentaries

Here are the documentaries created by Section T02 in Semester B 2018-19. These groups have had fun creating these videos. Feel free to comment on any of them, and keep your comments positive and constructive. 😀

Group 1: Tony, Victor, Yewon, Noel

Group 2: Jonathan, Jason, James, Max

Group 3: Angela, Chloe, Emmie, Esmond

Group 4: Brian, Johnathanfatting, Karen, Kenneth

Group 5: Bill, Jiosen, Sonya, Stephanie

Group 6: Anson, Ray, Sean, Sromona

201819B T08 Scientific Documentaries


Here are the documentaries created by Section T08 in Semester B 2018-19. These groups have had fun creating these videos. Feel free to comment on any of them, and keep your comments positive and constructive. 😀

Group 1: Helen, Annissa, Kendrew, Candy

Group 2: Enoch, Summer, Jason, Alvin

Group 3: Kenny, Gary, Ivan

Group 4: Kathy, Kelly, Daisy

Group 5: Annie, Eunice, Nicki

Group 6: Danny, Raymond, Selina, Jana