201718A T01 Documentaries

Here are the documentaries created by T01 Sem A 2017-18 on two topics: “Music and Concentration” and “Always On or Fast Asleep”. These groups have done a great job creating such fun videos. Feel free to comment on any of them, and keep your comments positive and constructive. 😀

Group 1 Always on or Fast Asleep by Alfred, Jacky, Adela, Andrew


Group 2 Always on or Fast Asleep by Cherry, Alan, Jacky, Tony

Group 3 Music and Concentration by Alex, Kyle, Zim

Group 4 Music and Concentration by Jeff, Billy, Carlene, Raymond

Group 5 Music and Concentration by Mavis, Kelly, Yannie, Adrian

Group 6 Music and Concentration by Ashley, Eric, McQueen

Group 7 Music and Concentration, Bailey, Grace, Julie

201718A T02 Documentaries

Here are the documentaries created by T02 Sem A 2017-18 on two topics: “Music and Concentration” and “Always On or Fast Asleep”. These groups have done a great job creating such fun videos. Feel free to comment on any of them, and keep your comments positive and constructive. 😀

Group 1 Always on or Fast Asleep by Sophie, Mauroof, Rose, Madhava


Group 2 Always on or Fast Asleep by Kay, Joanne, Kanis


Group 3 Always on or Fast Asleep by Serena, Sam, Angel, Jen

Group 4 Music and Concentration by Katrina, Winnie, kate

Group 5 Music and Concentration by Anson, Evan, Felix, King

Group 6 Always on or Fast Asleep by Harry, Jimmy, Kevin

Group 7 Music and Concentration, Kite, Cindy, John

201718A T06 Documentaries

Here are the documentaries created by T06 Sem A 2017-18 on two topics: “Music and Concentration” and “Always On or Fast Asleep”. These groups have done a great job creating such fun videos. Feel free to comment on any of them, and keep your comments positive and constructive. 😀

Group 1 Music and Concentration by Connie, Jeff, and Oscar


Group 2 Sleep Debt by Rita, Annet, mandy, and Winnie


Group 3 Sleep Debt by Ayman, Gred, Hilary, & Tommy

Group 4 Music and Concentration by Danny, Wallace, Thomas, Kevin